Join us for a rejuvenating weekend of worship and fellowship at Camp Cedar Falls in Angelus Oaks, CA.


Our Guest Speaker

Narlon Edwards

Narlon Edwards is an ordained Elder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Gospel Medical Missionary Evangelist, and Bible worker. Through God’s miraculous leading, he and his wife Samantha have left well-supported careers to labor with Christ full-time.

After an intense Bible and health training, the Lord inspired both him and his wife Samantha to establish Tree of Life Ministries, whose goal is to enlighten and awaken the people of God to the truth for these times found in the three angel’s messages and how to live according to God’s plan.

Their ministry allows them to work together ministering from place to place conducting medical missionary evangelism trainings, evangelistic meetings, revelation prophecy seminars, youth meetings, revivals, family seminars, health seminars, natural remedies demonstrations, healthy cooking classes, and more.

By the grace of God, lives have been changed, people touched and workers developed for the upbuilding of the kingdom of God.

The Lord miraculously provided them with land and facilities to expand their ministry and Narlon now serves as the Director of Red River Outpost in Stanton Kentucky.

His wife Samantha has also developed New Breed Meats, a plant-based meat company, in which they desire to expand to support God’s work.


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What to Bring

  1. Bible

  2. Comfortable clothing and shoes (there will be a hike)

  3. Water bottle

  4. Partial supply of water (we'll supply half of your drinking water)

  5. Towel

  6. Flashlight
